This tumultuous time in the U.S. political process is showcasing democracy at it’s best. While the current climate seems divisive and even scary, conflict that involves everyone getting to have a say, is good for the health of the nation.
It’s also how relationships work best.
It is important to remember the validity of perspectives that differ from our own. The conflicts raging in the political arena demonstrate that both sides of every debate hold some truth. Whether in the larger political arena or in the context of an intimate relationship, this kind of conflict can become polarizing. This is sad and limiting to those who cannot see the other view. When individuals retreat into hurling abuse at others who hold positions different from their own, everyone loses.
Even opinions that are very different from yours hold a measure of validity. Being able to hear and acknowledge this enhances both your reasoning and the strength of your position. Whether from a political perspective or across your own breakfast table, hearing a differing view of a situation enables you to achieve a better balance. Those who are very conservative, need to hear the concerns of the very liberal. The liberal need to see that some aspects of a conservative view make sense. Both sides have important priorities.
Considering differing views helps us to keep from getting solidified in a closed mindset.
The greatness of our country was built on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, but we need individuals like Martin L. King to point out inequities. We need to recognize the value of diversity. The democratic process requires people to challenge the status quo and we need to listen to differing voices.
Let’s remember during this time of change, although maddening and frustrating, it is important for everyone to participate in the process.