This is never a good idea. It’s usually said to crow about the speaker being right while the other person is wrong. And maybe she is wrong, but by saying you knew better all along, you only trigger defensiveness in the other person and–worse–you become a distraction. Whether this involves a friend, a partner or a […]
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Unsolicited Advice Column
Why I Don’t Call No-Show Clients
Short answer? Because it’s the client’s right to decide when they come in and when they don’t. Of course, no-showing or multiple cancellations in less than 24 hours means I won’t be able to hold the client’s appointment time and may not give them first call on rescheduling. I might not reschedule them, at all. […]
You’re Not Nuts
I am frequently told by new clients that they’re afraid they are nuts. With symptoms of anxiety and depression–often aided by a Google search that turns up distressing diagnoses–clients often come into my office thinking they are crazy. While I don’t specialize in those who are out-of-touch with reality, I’ve seen my share throughout the duration of my […]
Not Done Yet…
This is graduation and wedding season. This is a good time to address an important subject. There’s something going on that we ought to talk about. Many members of our society have embraced an “achievement obsession” mentality. Those who haven’t devoted their lives to achieving have often fallen into the “loser” category, some giving up and giving in. […]
I have noticed for a while that some very successful, highly-accomplished individuals aren’t satisfied with all they’ve achieved. Doctors, lawyers, folks with Ph.D.s and people who’ve made a lot of money often seem ancy to achieve more. This is interesting to me, particularly since I often see individuals of this bent on the other end […]
Doing Your Part
When I point out to clients–who feel responsible for their children, mates, siblings and parents–that they are only responsible for doing their part in relationships, they initially think I’m trying to give them a pass. Nope. Doing your part means handling your own stuff, confronting your own delusions and changing your behavior. This is hard […]
Staying For The Kids
In a troubled relationship, this is the reason most frequently given for not getting a divorce/separating. It is also one of the worst reasons. Don’t get me wrong, loving your kids and always considering how your choices will effect them is a big part of parenting. But don’t let yourself believe that your children aren’t impacted […]
Relationship Issues & Alcohol
More bad things happen in relationships when couples are drinking. This is not at all to say that everyone who enjoys an alcoholic beverage has a drinking problem. When issues in relationships–and all relationships sometimes have issues–are not dealt with openly and effectively, they tend to rear up ugly heads when alcohol is consumed. Part […]
Stupid Emotional Choices
As an emotionally-oriented person myself, I’d be the last to say emotions aren’t an important part of life. They give color to our world, even if the down moments do suck. There are many highly-logical people who are prone to depression. Everything is gray. Feelings change and can seem unstable, but they are important to us. […]
Biology Doesn’t Trump Behavior
I think we’re confused about this. I hear about individuals who dread family holidays and who’ve moved across the country to be far away from those to whom they are related. Yet, often when talking to clients who tell me of frustrating or horrific behavior on the part of family members, when I ask why they continue having […]