Putting others down doesn’t really make you feel better, but the temptation can be strong. Particularly when you see someone who seems to have it all—money, relationship and perfect teeth. If they drive a great car, that’s even worse. It’s easy to feel less-than with others. You may feel like your life is a mess. […]
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Failure’s Message
It could be that you’re just a screw-up, but that would mean that everyone who ever failed at anything is also a screw-up. History is littered with huge successes that failed miserably for a while before hitting it big. Everyone messes up. Don’t kid yourself, it’s not just you. The real challenge is in finding […]
Never Give Up
You can change your mind and decide chasing a dream isn’t worthwhile, but giving up because you doubt yourself is failure on a large level. Just recently, Randy Pausch, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, and author of The Last Lecture, died of pancreatic cancer. One significant advice in Pausch’s final lecture was the recommendation […]
Taking the Drive-Thru Hostage
Let’s talk about passive-aggressive power. Lots of people feel powerless and angry about it. To be honest, powerlessness breeds anger. Whether with your supervisor at your job or in your relationship with your mate or just in general, you can feel like nothing you do makes a difference. This is often the thinking behind destructive, […]
Failure – Just a Corrective Tool
You never know how to hit your goals if you don’t have some feedback when you miss the mark. Think of failure—even crushing failure—as a voice telling you “a little to the left.” Screwing up and blowing situations is part of the path to success. A bump in the road. Don’t ever believe you can […]
Love Without Pain
The problem with loving another person is that you automatically care what happens to them. You care what they do or what others do to them. They matter to you. They are significant to you. Where there is significance, there is the possibility—let’s be honest—the probability of emotional distress. Pain. The old saying that you […]
You Can’t Always See the Results
Every action has a result…it just may not be immediate. Some people struggle with seeing the consequences when it comes to choices they make. One definition of insanity is to repeat the same actions, thinking you’ll get a different result, but what if the result isn’t clear right away. The tendency for many is to […]
Strive for Spectacular Failure
You’re not always going to be right or act right, no matter what. That’s just a reality of life. But avoiding failure at all costs, costs way too much. In The Last Lecture, a new book by Randy Pausch, a computer science professor diagnosed with terminal cancer, the author talks about going for your dreams. […]
Traumatized? The Unrecognized Reality
If you’ve ever witnessed a crime…ever been the victim of abuse, sexual or otherwise…ever served time in a combat zone…or been involved in a natural disaster, you may be suffering a post-traumatic reaction and not know it. Traumatic situations leave a lingering stain on your psyche. This can lead to abusing alcohol or drugs and […]
All Hollow
Love parties? Always have a bunch of friends texting you and wanting to go out? Believe it or not, being out-going can leave you at risk. Extroverted people are comfortable meeting new acquaintances and adapt pretty well to new situations. There’s a downside, though, to being externally focused. Life requires some ability to know your […]