Responding first to readers have asked for help:
“I am a 22 year old single mother and I have a two year old son. I was not ready for my son when I became pregnant. I love my son a lot, but lately I have not been able to deal with all the whining that he’s been doing. He whines about every little thing and, due to the other stresses that I have no job, no money, I just can’t take it anymore. I’m to the point that I want to give him up for adoption. I have no more patience left. How do I deal with all of this.” B.T.
First of all, don’t be too hard on yourself. Young children are very demanding–a sentiment you don’t find on Mother’s Day cards. There are programs that attempt to help young parents deal with the stresses, but that doesn’t seem to be what you wrote about.
Adoption is a very loving option. Never doubt this. There’s a lot of publicity about teens who keep their newborns and this is an option, but it’s not for everyone. Raising a child demands a lot. It can limit your educational and financial possibilities and make you feel crazy. Even more mature parents feel like doing harm to kids–hopefully they don’t, but they feel like it.
Whether or not you terminate a pregnancy, give your child up for adoption or keep it and try to move forward is a very, very personal choice. Don’t let other voices try to steer you in a certain direction. This is something you get to–and have to–decide. Kids deserve loving care. If you’re still a kid yourself, it’s hard to give this to an infant.