I felt that $75 a month is not much and as long as my son does not use the money for reckless reasons, he should be able to go get a hair cut, buy a pair of shoes when needed or a shirt or under-clothes.
I’m not sure anymore who has the issues. I am trying to be the mediator between my son and his father, but its getting harder everyday. My son gets upset when my spouse starts yelling at me because of things that I don’t agree on, and I’m worried that because of this father/son conflict, my son is going to get so frustratedthat he will fall into trouble again. Now if he gets into trouble because he is out there hanging around with a bad crowed and doing things he shouldn’t be doing…that would be his problem and I would not feel any blame to that. But if he gets frustrated with the way his father treats me and the tantrums his father has when he doesn’t agree with what I feel, and then my son goes out and gets in trouble, then I would feel the perhaps i could have prevented that.
Concerned Mother