Before I get to the subject of this column, I want to respond to several emails from readers that who actually asked for advice:
“They Won’t Let Me Drive” writes that he’s a 22 year old and his parents, with whom he still lives, insist he take “their test” before they allow him to get his driver’s license. “…I’m going to school and working…purchased my own car two years ago…have insurance on the car…,” but his parents still insist he pass their driving test. He’s started this several times, but when they think he’s made a mistake he must start all over. They Won’t Let Me Drive asks that I talk with or email his parents and “put some sense” in their heads.
Since you wrote me–not your parents–my response is directed to you. Why are you–an adult–allowing them to decide when you get your drivers license? You’ve bought a car, insured it and are able to pay for the gas. Get your license and use the car, for heaven’s sake. Trust me, the Driver’s License Bureau doesn’t require 22 year olds to have a permission note from their parents.
You might still rely on their financial support and, if so, this is probably a complex way for them to maintain a hold on you. You need to consider living on your own dime.