First of all, there is no such thing. No matter how much energy you put into your parenting, no matter how smart and beautiful your kid is: Perfection isn’t a possibility. If you think your kid doesn’t screw up, doesn’t make ridiculous mistakes and bad choices, you’re not paying close enough attention. The truth is […]
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Unsolicited Advice Column
Love Without Pain
The problem with loving another person is that you automatically care what happens to them. You care what they do or what others do to them. They matter to you. They are significant to you. Where there is significance, there is the possibility—let’s be honest—the probability of emotional distress. Pain. The old saying that you […]
You Can’t Always See the Results
Every action has a result…it just may not be immediate. Some people struggle with seeing the consequences when it comes to choices they make. One definition of insanity is to repeat the same actions, thinking you’ll get a different result, but what if the result isn’t clear right away. The tendency for many is to […]
Strive for Spectacular Failure
You’re not always going to be right or act right, no matter what. That’s just a reality of life. But avoiding failure at all costs, costs way too much. In The Last Lecture, a new book by Randy Pausch, a computer science professor diagnosed with terminal cancer, the author talks about going for your dreams. […]
Traumatized? The Unrecognized Reality
If you’ve ever witnessed a crime…ever been the victim of abuse, sexual or otherwise…ever served time in a combat zone…or been involved in a natural disaster, you may be suffering a post-traumatic reaction and not know it. Traumatic situations leave a lingering stain on your psyche. This can lead to abusing alcohol or drugs and […]
Donkey vs Elephant
This tumultuous time in the U.S. political process is showcasing democracy at it’s best. While the current climate seems divisive and even scary, conflict that involves everyone getting to have a say, is good for the health of the nation. It’s also how relationships work best. It is important to remember the validity of perspectives […]
How To Break-Up
Most people don’t want to do this at all. Breaking-up sucks…unless you’re so beaten down in the relationship that getting out sounds like a huge relief. Or unless you’ve already moved on and you’ve found a new love that won’t ever treat you this badly(you’re sure). Relationships are complicated. So, this whole thing isn’t fun. […]
How To Ruin Your Children
Few people love doing without. We tend to crave comfort and all the accessories that come with that. You want all that and more for your kids. It’s natural to want to provide for your children. You love them. You want them not to feel embarrassed in front of their friends. You want to rescue […]
We’re Not Through Killing the Marriage
Some relationships start crappy, others take years to reach this level. The really sad thing is that sometimes individuals don’t want to stop the bad, comfortable habits until it’s too late. Most don’t seek professional help until the next step is calling a lawyer. If you found your soul mate—or a very close fit—you happily […]
All Hollow
Love parties? Always have a bunch of friends texting you and wanting to go out? Believe it or not, being out-going can leave you at risk. Extroverted people are comfortable meeting new acquaintances and adapt pretty well to new situations. There’s a downside, though, to being externally focused. Life requires some ability to know your […]